Wednesday, November 12, 2008

More Kitty Pix!

Frankly, I had a crappy ass day. So, sitting here now at almost 7:30 sipping on a martini (finally feeling better...long story but I'll survive and the antibiotics help loads), I went on-line to the cat adoption site and downloaded all pix of Pete and Lily. Well, you know, I have to have a lot of pix!
So, because my brain is still feeling like it is stuffed full of straw (meaning, this is about as much as I can manage Blog-wise tonight), here are some pix for you to enjoy of our soon-to-be Pete and Lily! BTW, they were born July 16th so, by the time we get them this coming weekend, they will be just 4 months old! You'll probably notice some resemblance to "Uncle Clyde" in both of them.



Lily is the one doing the "talking"; I think Pete is on the right!

Mrs. B


Jon said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. If anything, silly kitten antics will brighten your days.

M said...

Congrats, E - They are gorgeous. And in regards to your previous post, yes, getting animals from IAR is almost as easy as passing a bill through Congress. Congrats for making the grade.

Analee said...

oh my god they are SOOOOOOO cute!!! love their fuzziness - i told you this before, but i just can't wait to smell them!

i bet kendal would be interested in them too, especially when they get used to your house and will play play play (with strings, lights, anything that moves)!