Monday, December 23, 2019

Jesus' Ringtone

Note:  I wrote this several years ago when our church used to publish daily meditations/devotions written by its members.  I don't know why I've not thought to share this before!

Merry Christmas!

Jesus’ Ringtone

“When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping,” your steadfast love O Lord, held me up.  When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul”. Psalm 94:18-19 (NRSV)

A friend recently told me about an app that allows you to choose from a wide variety of ringtones to assign to individual contacts in your phone.  I’ve since had great fun listening to some of the more silly ringtones as I’ve gone about selecting specific ones for each of my family and friends.  Because we are approaching the holiday season, there are many Christmas carol favorites available for use and   I’ve listened to many of them; pausing here and there on my own cherished favorites such as “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” and “The Hallelujah   Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah”.  About this time, I began contemplating what I’d write for this devotional and I found myself wondering what ringtone I’d assign to Jesus.  Of course, it would have to be an extremely special one; fit only for Him. Wouldn’t it be so delightful, I thought a bit wistfully as I continued to scroll through the ringtones, if I really could?  Then I thought about the people in my phone’s address book and I realized that, in essence, I did routinely receive calls from Jesus in the forms of my family and friends; people who love and cherish me, who will always be there for me, and certain folks that I’m certain God has put into my life for a reason.  During the holidays, most of us take time to stop and count our blessings; the love, peace, and joy that abounds during the season of our Savior’s birth brings all that we have and hold dear to the foremost of our hearts.  However, throughout the rest of the year, on ordinary days, we might do well to reflect that when we get a call from a dear friend or perhaps a long lost family member, it could truly be Jesus calling.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Run, Flu, Listen

It’s early in the morning and I’m doing my usual; the alarm goes off, I hit snooze, and manage to go back to sleep for five minutes.  Why is it, I always wonder, that I cannot easily fall asleep at night, and yet, drifting back to never-never land within 5 seconds is doable at 5:45 am?  In any case, I smack that snooze button three more times before I finally give it up, get up, and stumble into the bathroom.

As I’m doing my thing, I remember with a pleasant start that it’s Saturday morning, and there is absolutely no reason for me to be sitting on the throne when I could still be slumbering away.  Almost as quickly as I have this thought, I recall that I’d promised my next-door neighbor and somewhat friend Chasity that I’d go for a run with her, followed by a visit to Starbucks and a foray to the local farmers’ market.  It seemed like a decent idea the previous night while sharing a bottle of good Zinfandel and binge-watching “Game of Thrones”; now, not so much.

I wonder if I could plead having the flu to Chasity and beg off this insanity of venturing out of my condo at such an indecent hour. I’m pretty sure she’d be understanding, and it wouldn’t change how she felt about me, but; I know she’s a Christian, and even though I don’t hold to organized religion, I can’t out and out lie to someone who does.  Sighing, I finish up my business and head towards the kitchen, offering a silent prayer to the God of Coffee that I’d preset the Keurig machine to turn on at 5:30 am because, you know, in this age of instant gratification, having to wait 60 seconds for the water to heat up can be pure torture.  

Glory!  It’s on!  Crap!  There’s nothing in the reservoir.  Muttering out loud that it’s unfair that I’m always the one who has to put water in the stupid thing, I stop and realize I’m bitching at myself.  The object of my complaining used to be my ex-husband, but of course, ex means ex, as in gone from my life, kaput.  Not a bad trade, considering; needing to do piddly chores vs. being married to him.  Still even after two years, old habits die a slow, lingering death.

My ancient cat wanders into the kitchen and gives me his version of stink eye.  “What’s up with you, Grouchy Mouse?” I say.  He’s apparently not pleased with being referred to as a small rodent, nor does he seem to wish to listen to me rant at his ex-dad, so he turns to stalk away, lifting and twitching his plumed tail as he goes. That’s when I notice the probable reason for his aggravation; a huge piece of poop stuck to his furry behind.  With practiced movement, I rip a wad of paper towels from the roll on the counter, bend down to grab him by the scruff of his neck, pick him up, swipe his poopy butt, deposit him back down on the floor before he can bite me while simultaneously thinking, “I forgot to get his butt shaved.  Again”. 

My day is off to a fabulous start.

I head back to the bathroom to deposit the smelly bundle of Bounty into the toilet.  As I flush it down, I catch a glimpse of the reflection in the mirror and am confused for a second.  My grandmother is looking back at me, just as perplexed to be there as I am to see her.  “Why is she wearing my ratty ‘No Crisis Before Its Time’ tee shirt?” I ask myself stupidly.  I blink, and she’s gone; it’s only me reflected in the mirror, still half bent over with my hand on the back side of the toilet. 

And just like that, I am old.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Diversity Of Healthy Religion: What We Do With What We Know About God Is Important

Even in the year 2019, there are still people and groups of people; many, many, many, people, who believe in a God who can't wait to throw sinners into the fiery pit of hell, without much thought to the fact that they, too, are sinners.

They believe in a God of judgement; certainly not a Universal One who desires all to draw near and wake-up and see what was right before them all along; nor a fun-loving one with a good sense of humor.

What would be different if all embraced diversity within religion?  There would be no option but to realize that Everything Belongs.  There would be a true urge to gather those who don't feel like they belong into the fold.  Not by hitting them upside the head with threats of hell (unless you sign up and drink the Kool-Aid), or shaming them into believing (is that even possible?), but to actually share The Good News by showing what The Good News is.

Why do people need to feel that what they think or believe is the only way; the right way?

I find trying to be right and in control is exhausting!  It diverts our time into a "waste of time".  Time that could be spent in Micah 6:8-ing it:  " justice, and to love kindness, and walk humbly with your God".  It's kinda hard to be humble when you're fighting to be right.  "Being right is not enlightenment", as Richard Rohr says.

What we know about God is this:  God is Love (1 John 4:7-8, 1 John 4:19).  And what our  friend The Apostle Paul says about love is this:  Love is patient;  love is kind;  love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;  it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.  It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends.  (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)

As far as I know, Paul wasn't telling people to only love certain people (and, even though this particular passage is used frequently in wedding ceremonies, it wasn't written for that purpose).  Heck, one of Paul's most important theologies was that people, through Christ (might I throw in the concept of The Universal Christ), are no longer contained within whatever box they'd been put into by society!  So, take "Jew", "Greek", "Man", "Woman", "Slave", "Master", etc., from the year 50-ish CE/AD and insert out current boxes from the year 2019 CE/AD:  "Citizen", "Illegal Alien" (he used that one too, I think), "Straight", "LGBTQIA", "Republican", "Democrat", "Churched", "Unchurched", "Senior Citizen", College Student", and, yeah, "Christian", "Jew", "Muslim", Aetheist", etc., etc., etc., how can we read these passages and not get it?

We waste our time defending our corner of the sandbox and  screaming at others that they are wrong, instead of going out and finding new friends on the playground.  I use a childish analogy because we are being childish.  Not in the good way of "little children" as in, only those who see as "little children" will get into the Kingdom of Heaven, but in the unreasonable, temper tantrum way of spoiled rotten brats.

Mrs. B

Friday, July 12, 2019

A Prayer of Intercession

God of all love, mercy, comfort, consolation, and peace.  You know all, you are in all, you are all.  The Great I AM.  There is nothing I can say, pray, or lift up to you that you are not already aware of and already in the midst of, yearning to help your children.  Yet, it is strengthening and comforting to us who feel so overwhelmed by the pain and suffering of others to speak to you about each one -- if we are able -- or of broad encompassing situations, so that all might be included.  

Lord, I confess that there are times when I feel so weighed down by this responsibility to pray for others, without ceasing; that I become numb.  When this happens, gently remind me that this is not a responsibility, something I'll get in trouble for if I fail; rather, it is an honor, a privilege, in fact, a joy; to have a God who wishes to hear all prayers, at all times, in however many ways they are expressed; as individual as those being prayed for and those doing the praying:  Words.  Song.  Writing.  Acts of Service.  Acts of Love.  Silence.  Listening.  Presence.  All are acceptable to you and all help.  I ask not to be intimidated by my inadequacy, but strengthened in the knowledge and example of Jesus, who prayed passionately, honestly, and humbly; and taught us all to do the same.  Nothing offered to you in love will ever be rejected; even if the great mysteries of why, when, who, what, where, and how may not ever be known or realized this side of the mirror.

And so, Lord, I write this prayer to speak to you, and trust with all my heart that when you hear it, you will see every single person, situation, and condition lovingly intertwined in my words.

Merciful God, I lift up to you now all who are grieving.  All who are sick, suffering pain, undergoing treatments, surgeries, enduring chronic illnesses; as well as their  families, care givers, doctors, and medical teams.  I lift up those who are struggling with life.  With addictions.  With relationships.  With loneliness. With finances, jobs, and school.  With anxiety and worries.  I lift up all who are being; simply in a state of contemplation and discernment.  Also, all of those who are beginning something new, or are in the midst of change.  I lift up those who are traveling and away from home.  I lift up all of the children in the world, who always need your special care, and also the animals and creatures of this earth, and the earth itself, your creation.

To each and all may you bring comfort, strength, peace, love, release from pain, answers, direction, guidance, help, provisions, safety, motivation, resources, conviction, determinations, and truth.  Lord God, always send The Good People to help; to remind all of your presence, and to give to all the hope and strength that is needed every day.  May all come to know the peace of Christ.

May those of us who have the fruit of the spirit do what we can to share and spread The Good News.  One prayer at a time.

In Christ's name.


Mrs. B

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Reflection on 2018

Journaling aside, I keep a daily list of "thankfuls".  These little books are ways to remind myself, at-a-glance, what I'm grateful for, but also serve as a chronicle of events.  Even if they are not always explicitly listed, I am also reminded of a few challenges here and there throughout the year.  Here, then, are a few highlights.  Oh, and since I'm not really going into much detail, elaborating, analyzing, etc., I suppose this is more of a listing, not a reflection.  Reflection sounds better, though!

Safe travels and good visits with family (Father) and friends (John and Mary).  Successfully used Uber for the first time!  Hesed's eyelash surgery was successful.  Wonderful messages at church.  Letters from Ann.  Mom got good results at Duke.  Tutoring Giovell.  Plenty of opportunities to work on not getting annoyed.  Fellowship with friends (Bill and Sybil, Carolyn). Gearing up for tax season.

The beginning of another Stephen Minister Training Class.  Mark's x-ray was clear.  Hesed doing fine staying in the office by herself (uncrated).  Hanging in the midst of unknowing.  Mom B was able to see Aunt Judy before she passed.  

Thankful my brain allows me to memorize scripture.  My orchid is blooming.  Long walks in the sunshine with Hesed.  Spending time with family (Mike, Kim, and Mom B).  Texting with Cailyn.  Flowers from "The Boss".  Heard from all my parents.  Letter from Mark Neil (sponsored child in the Philippines).  Match Day!  14 years!  So much opportunity for grace, growth, and forgiveness.  Talking with a sweet little boy in our neighborhood.

Good to see Jon and the girls.  God put me here to help others.  Dad's results were good.  Heard from Kathy.  Time with Mom B.  Father's generosity.  Chicken burritos!  Made it through another tax season.  New water heater.  Weekends to putter, ride bikes, nap, and go out to dinner.  Days like today make me grateful for other days.  A lovely Stephen Ministry retreat.  Commissioning Sunday.

Safe travels to/from Father's; Hesed warmed up to him.  Able to work on Lucy's Book.  Josh and Josette set their wedding date (9/15/19).  Meeting our new neighbor Debbie and her yellow Lab Jazz.
Survived my dental cleaning.  Good neighbors stepping in to help out with the cats.  Safe travels to Ft. Lauderdale and Cancun.  Happy not to be that arguing couple.  Did not look at my To Do List.  Thankful for contemplative practices to calm my furies.  Wonderful message at church:  Be Bold!

Letter from Shaleen.  Bike ride and floating in the pool.  Lovely lunch and time with Mom.  Wonderful time catching up with Gracie.  Lovely day at Selby Gardens with Sybil and Sherrie.
Spending Father's Day with Father.  Caring people.  Cailyn's visit.  Pete able to get help from Dr. Bonda.  Family time.

Pete pooped!  Mom and Dad's kind offer to stay at our house.   Spiritual retreat together at Green Bough.  Peaceful during prayer.  Safe travels for family.  Loved, Happy, Kind, Generous = Amy.
Cailyn said, "You're my mom, too!"  Nice lunch with Carolyn.  Mom is still cancer free!  Not hurt when the bed collapsed.  A good Stephen Leader meeting.  Time alone.  I think I learned a valuable lesson from "Mr. Mikey".  Nice visit with John and Mary.

My biopsy = not cancer!  Left the rat race 15 years ago.  No regrets!  Pesky clients "fired" us, LOL.
Wonderful visit with friends in California; safe travels.  Able to see our Cruising Friends in St. Pete.
Letter from Ester (sponsored child in Indonesia). Good grounding talk with Sybil.  They caught Dad's blood clot before it was a problem.  Mom B and Boopie beginning a new adventure together.  8 mile bike ride.  

Good day working together on the lanai.  Earlier morning walk; pink/blue sunrise.  Beautiful. Nice replies to Card Blast email.  We do have friends here!  Talking with Father.  Re-joined the Y.  Afternoon nap.  Saw Erica in the Publix parking lot.  Wine time with Momma.  Mr. Roger's movie.  Date night at Speak's.  Mark watched "The Wizard of Oz" with me.  Holding Dad's hand.  Sybil is cancer free.  Another good visit with Father.  Disciple 3.

Fantastic 50th anniversary celebration weekend for Mom and Dad!  Grateful doctors are mindful of Mark's health.  Care and concern from friends.  Making "final plans" = huge relief (NCS).  Scripture eased anxiety.  Meeting Richard Foster.  Male care receivers!  Pete finally pooped.  New phone.  Mark's Mission Moment.  Mom and Dad = safe travels.   So many friends at church.  Caring people at River Landing.  

Beautiful painting of Lucy by Carolyn.  People looking out for others.  Able to see Steve Ross!  Celebrity Equinox!  Spending time with Terry.  Cailyn here for an entire week for Thanksgiving!
Family time.  New places.  Happy Proposal Day!

Ann doing well.  Hanging of the Greens.  House all nicely decorated.  Good trip to Father's.
Watching silly Christmas movies.  Sweet "new" nutcracker from Cissie.  Nice Stephen Ministry party at Bill and Sybil's.   Pretty mirrors.  Cailyn got Charlotte!  Hope and Healing Service went well.  Fantastic #55 birthday celebration weekend!  Dad safe from his procedure.  Kevin's visit.  Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Party with our neighbors.  NYE at Mom and Dad's with Mom B and The Porters.  Safely home!

Mrs. B