Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Things God Told Me

This past year I’ve tried to spend some time each day in silence and contemplation.  Sometimes, I’ll admit, the experience is beyond my abilities because I am distracted, unfocused, or interrupted.  Still, there have been moments when I’ve heard, quite clearly, thoughts or instructions that didn’t come from me (or if they did, they came from the part of me that is of the subconscious, which in my opinion is pretty much the same thing as the indwelling presence of God).  In addition, I’ve read several books that talk about who we really are; our True Selves, our Immortal Diamonds; vs. our False Selves and our Shadow Selves.  From both the times of contemplation and these books I’ve read, I’ve written down many things; the things God told me.  Here are a few.

Volunteer to help a struggling child to read (I did, Giovell.  Sweet child!)

Think about limiting time on Facebook even after Lent.  Too hard to be humble and pokes at old wounds (I have been somewhat successful at this)

Write Shaleen (An old friend I hadn’t heard from in years; I did so and, interestingly enough, she’d had a fortune from a Fortune Cookie the day before she received my letter telling her “an old friend you’ve lost touch with is coming back into your life”!)

Throw away your To Do Lists (Ok, this one freaked me out, but, I’ve done so and life is a lot less frenetic!)

Try to see Kathleen and Peri (My good friends from CA; I did, and also Debbie, Pam, Vesna, and Elaine.  It was a wonderful visit!)

You don’t have to convince people by what you say; make them curious by what you do.

You have to displace (In order to distribute my Blessing Bags, I have to go out of my neighborhood and comfort zone). 

Whenever you have any sort of negative thought, stop and immediately replace it with a positive thought.  Philippians 4:8.

Practice silence.  Psalm 141:3.

Let things go by.  Be a mirror!

I (God) am in the interruptions.

Love outward.

Let it be.

No problem to solve.

Trust in the how.

Choose the positive.

Accept imperfection.

Patience, kindness, generosity.

Heaven all the way to heaven.

Whatever you let go of/lose, you didn’t need it, anyway.

Stop saying “but”.

Attach evil indirectly.

Hold out for the yes.

I’ll close this entry with a wonderful poem that was in “Just This” by Richard Rohr.  As he said, “It is this simple and this hard.”

The Welcoming Prayer
Mary Mrozowski

Welcome, welcome, welcome
I welcome everything that comes to me today
because I know it’s for my healing.
I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons,
situations, and conditions.
I let go of my desire for power and control.
I let go of my desire for affection, esteem,
approval, and pleasure.
I let go of my desire for survival and security.
I let go of my desire to change any situation,
condition, person, or myself.
I open to the love and presence of God and
God’s action within.

Mrs. B