Friday, July 12, 2019

A Prayer of Intercession

God of all love, mercy, comfort, consolation, and peace.  You know all, you are in all, you are all.  The Great I AM.  There is nothing I can say, pray, or lift up to you that you are not already aware of and already in the midst of, yearning to help your children.  Yet, it is strengthening and comforting to us who feel so overwhelmed by the pain and suffering of others to speak to you about each one -- if we are able -- or of broad encompassing situations, so that all might be included.  

Lord, I confess that there are times when I feel so weighed down by this responsibility to pray for others, without ceasing; that I become numb.  When this happens, gently remind me that this is not a responsibility, something I'll get in trouble for if I fail; rather, it is an honor, a privilege, in fact, a joy; to have a God who wishes to hear all prayers, at all times, in however many ways they are expressed; as individual as those being prayed for and those doing the praying:  Words.  Song.  Writing.  Acts of Service.  Acts of Love.  Silence.  Listening.  Presence.  All are acceptable to you and all help.  I ask not to be intimidated by my inadequacy, but strengthened in the knowledge and example of Jesus, who prayed passionately, honestly, and humbly; and taught us all to do the same.  Nothing offered to you in love will ever be rejected; even if the great mysteries of why, when, who, what, where, and how may not ever be known or realized this side of the mirror.

And so, Lord, I write this prayer to speak to you, and trust with all my heart that when you hear it, you will see every single person, situation, and condition lovingly intertwined in my words.

Merciful God, I lift up to you now all who are grieving.  All who are sick, suffering pain, undergoing treatments, surgeries, enduring chronic illnesses; as well as their  families, care givers, doctors, and medical teams.  I lift up those who are struggling with life.  With addictions.  With relationships.  With loneliness. With finances, jobs, and school.  With anxiety and worries.  I lift up all who are being; simply in a state of contemplation and discernment.  Also, all of those who are beginning something new, or are in the midst of change.  I lift up those who are traveling and away from home.  I lift up all of the children in the world, who always need your special care, and also the animals and creatures of this earth, and the earth itself, your creation.

To each and all may you bring comfort, strength, peace, love, release from pain, answers, direction, guidance, help, provisions, safety, motivation, resources, conviction, determinations, and truth.  Lord God, always send The Good People to help; to remind all of your presence, and to give to all the hope and strength that is needed every day.  May all come to know the peace of Christ.

May those of us who have the fruit of the spirit do what we can to share and spread The Good News.  One prayer at a time.

In Christ's name.


Mrs. B