Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Pound of Flesh...Or Five

When last I blogged, I noted that I'd gained five pounds and that I weigh more than I ever have in my life (as far as I know since I typically don't climb onto scales). I should clarify, though, that I did not gain five pounds since my last visit to the doctor (one year ago), rather, the five pounds have snuck their way onto me over the last five years.
I was quite depressed about this but Mr. B pointed out that a five pound weight gain over five years isn't really that awful; especially considering I AM getting older (he didn't say this, but it's true) and things are a-shifting around somewhat (gravity works, unfortunately).
Also, if I stop and think about it, the past five years have been, really, some of the best of my life in terms of love, family, friendships, good times, traveling, wine and beer festivals, and the like. I've always been a "happy" eater; meaning, if I'm happy, I eat more than I do when I am not.
Of course, this doesn't mean I want to pack on another five pounds anytime soon, but, I think I can adjust to these five. And, obviously, if I REALLY wanted to shed some of it, I could; I'd just have to cut back on, well, those wine and beer festivals, all the yummy recipes we try at home; you know the drill.
So, I was yakking with my Father this morning. He says, "Well, I decided to stop drinking beer and eat about 1/2 of what I normally do for a week to see what happened". Turns out he lost five pounds, BUT, he was fairly well miserable the entire time. He said as soon as he started drinking beer and eating his normal portions, he put the five pounds right back on. We discussed that, so long as a person is healthy in all other aspects, why torture yourself by depriving yourself of the things in life that make you happy? Or, add to your happiness.
I guess it's all in what is important to you. When I was single and living in California, I wanted to have the best body ever. I did, but I was also pretty damn miserable and lonely.
I suppose I'll take one pound per year for the incredible happiness I experienced while putting them on!
Mrs. B

1 comment:

Analee said...

good follow up blog...
we could all probably stand to lose a pound a year. but, how does one do that?

i need to do like 10 pounds a year.. for the next 7 years!!!