Sunday, April 20, 2008

I WATCHED TONS of Movies: Part Three

I had to change the title of this "series" to the past tense since, thank GOD, Busy Season is now over and I haven't watched a movie (by myself) since last Sunday. But, to continue my train of thought (which I'm not always so good at; "Flawed at the Core" being one example), I'll "review" the other movies I watched whilst I was a CPA Widow!
Into the Wild
My SIL already reviewed this (she watched it after I did) and did a good job at it, I might add. So, I won't add to much except to say that, it's been a long time since a movie got to me like this one did. One of those that I couldn't stop thinking about days after I watched it.
Briefly, it is the (true) story of a young dude (recently graduated from college) who chucks all things material and goes off on a grand adventure with his ultimate destination being Alaska. Along the way, he meets some very interesting characters who help him in their own different ways to achieve his goal. He finally DOES make it to Alaska, where he takes up residence in an abandoned bus. He learns a lot about nature, solitude, and himself. In the end, he realizes he DOES need people, maybe even the family that he ran away from. Alas...
The film was directed by Sean Penn. Is there any limit to what this talented man can do? The actors in the film were more than excellent; a great cast with no one taking more of their share of the lime light. I really enjoyed the soundtrack, too; compiled by Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam.
Was what this young man, Chris McCandless, did brave, misguided, or just plain stupid and thoughtless? I'll leave it up to y'all to decide if you elect to watch this film.
Mrs. B

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