Friday, January 16, 2009

Pete and Lily Are 6 Months Old Today!

Mrs. B


Margot said...

Lovely kitties! & is that your afghan in the background?

Mrs. B said...

No, that is one that Mom B made!

Mr. B said...

Happy belated birthday kids!

Analee said...

random: kendal is very white, as we all know. i mean like... glow in the dark white. also he is so white that you can easily see his BLUE veins in his body, especially on his chest and forehead.

on his forehead, you can see a perfect "M".

you think he is part tabby? nathaniel thinks so.

i should blog about this one day, if i could ever get a good picture of that M.

(anyway, i tell you this because the reason i love a tabby so much is because of that M between their eyes. your cats have beautiful Ms.)