Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Bucket List

We watched this move last night; pretty decent (hard to go wrong with Jack and Morgan in the lead roles; by the way, if there is a movie (or another movie) made about Nelson Mandela, Morgan Freeman is an obvious shoe-in for the part since they even look alike).
Anyway. The movie was good; didn't end the way I thought it would (always interesting when that happens) and, it brought up in my mind the obvious question; "What would be on MY bucket list if I only had, oh, six months to a year before I kicked the bucket AND I was in "good enough" health to do it?"
In the movie, money was no object. That's not realistic (hello, movie!) but, just assuming money wasn't a HUGE obstacle, what would be on YOUR bucket list?
Take the poll to pick one answer, although, for most of us, there would be more than one.
Mrs. B


Mr. B said...

So who choose "none of the above" and didn't leave a comment?

By the way, we don't have to go to Puerto Vallerta - I rather not get sicker with only six months to live!!!

Mrs. B said...

Obviously someone who was not following the rules!

Analee said...

i clicked on the "none of the above" but i was #2 to do it.

i wouldn't change my lifestyle in any way, i'd prefer to just keep on going just like i am now.

Jon said...

My desire would be a combination of several choices. I'd spend my last months spending time with my family doing what we enjoy: camping, Disneyland, ball games, fishing, dinners, etc.