Friday, July 25, 2008

Random Thoughts for a Friday Morning

I've found myself getting up earlier and earlier in the mornings these days. I'm not sure if it's general "excitement" over the upcoming reunion/thinking about all the things I need to do (although the list is dwindling day by day) OR musing over my new business opportunity. In any case, no more lolly-gagging around in bed for Mrs. B!
Our reunion theme; Grandpa and Grandma's Wedding Picture

My reunion co-planner, Cindy (and her family) arrive today! We've been planning this since February; six months. Wow, it's finally here!

The photographer who will be taking pictures at the reunion came over (with his assistant/wife) Tuesday to do a "dry-run". I think we'll all be pleased with the outcome and also we'll have some fun during the session.

The dry cleaner did not return one of my dress shirts. Since I don't have that many any longer, I'd best go back there and get them to track it down! I'm gonna need it now!

Speaking of which, oh darn, it seems as though I will have to go shopping for a few things now that I'm going back to work. Gotta be careful not to spend more moolah than I'll be earning!

Mr. B is not thrilled about the idea of me getting another Blackberry. Well, I might not have to since he upped our cell phone plan to something like a ca-zillion minutes a month and unlimited texting. Still, texting on this dumb cell phone of mine is one serious pain in the ass.

We've had to put the bark collar back on Lucy. She's not a happy camper right now.

I spent the better part of yesterday mopping the tile floor. Even though I've got it down to a science now (three buckets of water placed strategically around the floor), it's still a major pain. After it dried, I let Lucy back into the house. It was sort of hot outside, so, she plopped down onto the tile to chill. I turned around to look at her and saw a huge pile of water on the floor near her head. "Stop drooling on my floor!" I shrieked at her, knowing the instant it came out of my mouth that I sounded like a total moron.

We watched 10,000 BC the other night. Dumb, dumb, dumb movie. I have "The Other Boleyn Girl" for us to watch; I've seen it (with mom and dad in FL last February) but figured Mr. B might want to watch it since he likes "The Tudors". I can watch anything to do with Henry VIII or his wives or his children time and time again; even if I sometimes get irritated if what I'm watching is not historically accurate. For instance, although it is said that Henry VIII was, in his youth, strikingly handsome (unlike how most people imagine him; fat, bald, pouty and gouty), I doubt he was, in reality, anywhere near as handsome as either Eric Bana ("The Other Boleyn Girl") or Jonathan Rhys Meyers ("The Tudors").

I'm off soon for my "day of beauty"; time to spiff up the hair and other things.

Will it rain, will it not rain? Right now, it's overcast but that doesn't mean a damn thing. The only reason I care; should I shut the windows? Put Lucy out or leave her in? Etc.

Ok, gotta run!

Mrs. B


Analee said...

still letting your hair grow out?

i've given up on clean floors. never realized how important it would be to have a dog around when a baby is learning to eat in a highchair. i'm sure mags would help keep the sweeping to a minimum.

Mrs. B said...'s gonna take some time, though and I have to keep it trimmed or else it WON'T grow; no to mention, the color needed a bit of brightening (chlorine in the pool in PV stripped it somewhat).

Yeah, dogs DO clean floors, but, they leave behind patches of spit that, if you step in it, gets all over the rest of the floor so it really isn't clean at all.

Mr. B said...

Well, it's not that I don't like Blackberry's, because I do. It's just that I know how you use to hate my Treo, I just don't want to get to that point if you get a Blackberry.

We should probably go look at a new phone for you to see if there is something in between that you might like.

Margot said...

Henry 8... I think the fact that he was so very tall for those times(& we've seen his suit of armour at the Tower!) as well as physically fit made him so "handsome."