Last year, I remember reading an article in The Wall Street Journal about an organization of people that believed loved ones who have passed on continue to send messages, most often, through our dreams. Whether this is true or not is beside the point since the belief is what is important to them, as well as the messages they are receiving. Perhaps the messages are simple greetings, or expressions of love; maybe they hold answers to long-sought questions or to a dilemma the individual is grappling with. In any case, I found the concept (and the fact that there is an organization supporting it) fascinating.
Frankly, I believe it; and, I believe it extends to the animals waiting for us at "The Rainbow Bridge", too.
I also think it isn't necessarily just images in dreams, but, things found all of a sudden during the course of a day. Say, for example, an old chewed up cat-toy mouse found in the bottom of a box of Christmas decorations. "Hi, Nigel, good to hear from you!" is what I thought when I found this last December! Nigel always did love climbing in and out of all of the boxes during decorating time.
The night before Clyde died, I had a dream where I very clearly and deliberately picked him up, cuddled him, petted him and kissed the top of his head. Although at that time he was still alive, I woke up knowing in my heart that he had come to say good-bye. So, when Mr. B called me that morning to tell me he was taking him to the vet, although sad, I wasn't surprised.
It was still rough, of course, especially the few hours of waiting in between Mr. B's first call and when he planned on calling me from the vet. I was out of sorts and restless; and, sitting in mom and dad's RV, all of a sudden felt extremely closed in and almost claustrophobic. I told my mom I was going to go out for a walk. Knowing I needed to be alone, she let me go.
Let me back-track here a second because this is important to my story.
One of the things Nigel and I used to do together is "sing". I know, it's silly, but, any of you who have had a pet know we do silly things with them. What was so cool was, Nigel would actually "sing" along, or, interject with a resounding "WANK!" at the appropriate time in the song.
One song we sang quite often was one I made up to the tune of "Daisy" (you know, the one about a bicycle built for two); like this,
"Buggy, Buggy (his nickname) give me your answer, do (WANK!). I'm quite crazy over my Bug-a-Boo (WANK!)...", etc.
I mean, we REALLY sang this a lot together.
So, back to a few weeks ago. I wandered around the park and decided to go up to the bathroom, which was next to a sort of meeting hall/assembly room or something. I went into the Ladies and was crying; coming to gripes with what was going to happen with Clyde. In the hall, there was a group of folks practicing their singing to the resounding bangs of a piano. They went on and on; I stood there sobbing (I guess I was lucky no one else was in there with me).
They finished their song, silence. Then, in the quietness that followed, came the first notes,
"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do..."
Nigel was there in that moment, I know that he was. I know he was telling me he was there, that he'd be there to greet Clyde, and, it would all be OK.
And, it was and is okay. Clyde went peacefully, he's with Nigel now, and we're all doing fine here on Planet Earth.
Yeah, I'm still sad at times. But, with a message like that, I cannot be too sad for too long. And, I'm open to receiving more of them, and, I'm pretty sure that I might hear from one or both of them from time to time; I just have to be paying attention.
So, y'all might be thinking Mrs. B's a tad off her rocker, but, that's jake by me. No one else has to believe it, just so long as I do.
Mrs. B
i believe it.
I can't recall a "ka ching... that's a message from ____" moment except for a dried turd under a bed after I sent Boomer on the one way trip.
However, Heather had a very close friend (& acquaintance of mine) Judy who, many times, wished people "a nice day." Judy died suddenly after many sad years.
3 years ago Heather & Dave were ambling on their farm & found... a cap w/logo "Have a nice day."
They swear it was a message from dear friend Judy.
Let's hope!
it's amazing how pets especially can send messages across the vast barrier. I still have memories of Ross, maybe not so much memories as sightings or hearings. I'll hear his toe nails scratching on my bed, waking me up to put him on the bed with me. It's always sad waking up and realizing he isn't really there.
Poor mr. clyde, he looked like such a sweet cat in all the pictures. I know you'll miss him and remember him playing with Nigel. I'm sure clyde will send you messages just like Nigel still does.
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